April 14, 2021


Our Priests in Bukoba

«Ἐμπρός, πατέρες, ἄς ξεσηκωθοῦμε καί ἄς ἐργασθοῦμε. Ἄς ξεκινήσει ἡ Ἱεραποστολή» φώναξε ἕνας ἡλικιωμένος Ἱερεύς καί χειροκρότησαν ὅλοι οἱ Ἱερεῖς πού συμμετεῖχαν στό Σεμινάριο τῆς

Diocese of Toliara

Fulfill Τhy Ministry

What unspeakable joy for one to be called “my child” by the great apostle who claimed divine adoption and rapture to heaven, Paul, the Apostle

Diocese of Kisumu

Epiphany Day in Kisumu

On the Holy and great feast of the Epiphany, after the Divine Liturgy that took place in our Holy Church of the Dormition of the

Diocese of Arusha

Saving lives in Tanzania

And on top of everything, we had the outbreak of the pandemic… Struggling with scorching heat, which at that moment was changing into a strong

Congo (DRC)

New beggining in Bandudu

About two years ago, Emmanuel Diwulu, a graduate of our “St. Athanasius the Athonite” Theological School, wanted to go to the funeral of a relative

Diocese of Accra

A Ray of hope in the year 2020.

Dear Friends of Mission, 2020 was undoubtedly a difficult year for all of us. The health, finances, even the faith of a large number of

60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries