Bridge of salvation and love
Dear friends of the Mission, Hello! It is with deep emotion and infinite respect that we send this speech, the fruit of gratitude for the
Dear friends of the Mission, Hello! It is with deep emotion and infinite respect that we send this speech, the fruit of gratitude for the
My dear brothers and fellow companions, Christ is Risen. Our joy is great because always during this Resurrection period, the group baptisms of the catechists
The moment I am writing these lines is a few days before Judgment Sunday. How stunning the words of our Christ are! What does He
60 years of continuous giving and love. 60 years of peace to the missionaries of Africa, Asia, Oceania, all over the world. 60 years next
Blessing of the Lord, fragrance of the Resurrection, heavenly scent and blessing of Heaven, the completion of another Sacred Church in the Holy Diocese of
Dear Friends of Mission, The days on my mind run like the daily sweat in our ministry to the needs of our native brothers here
My dear brothers and fellow companions, It is not so long ago that our local Church decided to deal with what every society diligently wants
Dear Brothers and Friends of the Foreign Mission, I greet you and embrace you in the Lord from South Madagascar, this beautiful island, the earthly
Just a few decades ago, the famous Jean Paul Sartre, immersed in the latent Western tradition rooted in himself, exclaimed: “l’enfer, c’est les autres” (hell
Dear friends of the Mission, Honestly, every time I write a piece for your publication, I hope and pray that it will be the last