Diocese of Toliara

Diocese of Toliara

For the priests’ house

My dear brothers and fellow companions, Christ is Risen. Our joy is great because always during this Resurrection period, the group baptisms of the catechists

Diocese of Toliara

Milk for our children

The moment I am writing these lines is a few days before Judgment Sunday. How stunning the words of our Christ are! What does He

Diocese of Toliara

Hurricane of faith

Dear Brothers and Friends of the Foreign Mission, I greet you and embrace you in the Lord from South Madagascar, this beautiful island, the earthly

Diocese of Toliara

Antidote to Despair

Just a few decades ago, the famous Jean Paul Sartre, immersed in the latent Western tradition rooted in himself, exclaimed: “l’enfer, c’est les autres” (hell

Diocese of Toliara

Fulfill Τhy Ministry

What unspeakable joy for one to be called “my child” by the great apostle who claimed divine adoption and rapture to heaven, Paul, the Apostle

Diocese of Toliara

The Well of Life

I will never get tired of confessing, because first of all, it relaxes me to experience things myself, that the life of the Gospel takes

Diocese of Toliara

The Truth

The Church is the natural space of love and peace, and it is wonderful when this House of God is experienced thus, and only thus.

60 χρόνια μετά: Εκδήλωση μνήμης Αγίων Ιεραποστόλων