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Necessary prints of Orthodox books

Dear friends of the Mission, We praise God, because you always accompany us in our needs. So, we thank you for the 10,000 euros you sent us for the purchase of a semi-truck for Father Hariton Zega, which will help him and his family to live, since, as you know, our priests here in Indonesia do not receive a salary. With this money we will also pay the teachers for our schools in the village of Sumbul. For years we have been preparing to write Orthodox books. These books are usually requested by people who want to learn more about Orthodoxy. So far we have very few books printed in Indonesian. Now we have 8 books ready to be printed, written by Elder Elizabeth and Fr. Chrysostom Manalu. These books are:

  1. Prayer book. It contains the morning prayer, prayers for various needs, instructions for confession, petitions, some troparia, and more.
  2. Ancient Greek, for the Apostle Paul Theological School, here in Medan
  3. Satan and Exorcisms. Asia and especially Indonesia is the land of evil spirits. We translated the exorcisms, read them to some people and by the grace of God they were healed.
  4. A and B to Thessalonians. Expository for the first letters written by the Apostle Paul.
  5. Jehovah’s Witnesses. Anti-optional book, to protect our flock from following wrong paths.
  6. Orthodox Spirituality.
  7. The Councils and the Heretics.
  8. Introduction to Orthodox Theology.

These 8 books need to be printed, so please help us with this big issue. We need your help to accomplish this great task.

About our hospital here in Indonesia, so far it’s been difficult. I don’t know what to do anymore. I will leave it to God’s mercy, because I am tired of it. Our theological school is doing well. But the graduates from our school are taken by the Protestants. We unfortunately do not offer them places to work in our Church. Now near me we have 3 families and the men want to become priests. They have been taught the ecclesiology and went through our Apostle Paul Theological School, but so far we are waiting for the blessing of His Eminence to ordain them. These are our problems, brothers. May our good God strengthen us and may our Mother Mary Theotokos embrace us. With many blessings

π. Chrysostomos Manalu
