Sister Nectaria

Need for reconstruction

Dear Friends of Mission, I greet you in the name of the Holy Triune God. Please accept my apologies for my past silence. Here in

Ι. Μητρόπολη Σιγκαπούρης

Freely you Have Received, Freely Give

Dear Friends of Mission, First of all, I would like to thank you for your love and continued financial assistance to the missionary and charitable

Diocese of Singapore

Far from Kolkata but so close

Dear Friends of Mission, Reasons independent of my will did not permit me to communicate with you earlier. Unfortunately or not, I am still in

Diocese of Singapore

Continuous praise

Dear Friends of Mission, Your god-sent donation came as a gift from the heavens, so valuable and necessary that you cannot possibly imagine, giving us

Diocese of Singapore

Concern of Love

Every day I have to deal with the feeding problem of our poor brothers. Among them there are blind, disabled, children, elderly, who lack basic necessities and cannot survive without help…

Diocese of Singapore

Working for hope

We were about to discontinue this program due to lack of funds and our whole existence was suffering thinking all these blind, disabled and elderly people who for years survive only thanks to this little food that our Mission gives them every day. It grieved me but I had no way out. The solution was finally given by the all-merciful Lord…

Diocese of Singapore

Caring for Tomorrow

Nine of our girls who have finished their studies are now working in our English school. My dream is to leave the school in Orthodox hands. Otherwise, without an Orthodox testimony and perspective, we deviate from our purpose and we fail to accomplish it…

Diocese of Singapore

Holy Pascha in Calcutta

Until Good Friday the services had been conducted at the Orphanage Church, but on the night of the Resurrection we went to Calcutta to celebrate all together at the Greek Church of the Transfiguration of our Savior Jesus Christ…

Για να επιστρέψει ξανά το χαμόγελο στα πρόσωπα των ορφανών της Κολκάτα
Diocese of Singapore

Lucky Girls

Our (orphan but) lucky girls in Calcutta

Diocese of Singapore

The Pain of Separation

Lately I was in hospital day and night next to a 6-year-old girl, who, while being healthy and cheerful, all of a sudden suffered an intracranial hemorrhage, which was manifested with a severe headache. I immediately took her to the doctor, but there she lost consciousness and would not recover…

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