The pain of separation
Dear Missionary Friends,
Greetings always in the Lord! I hasten belatedly to inform you that we have received your donation of 5,000 euros and I sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. During the last period, I was in the hospital, day and night, next to a 6-year-old girl who suddenly, while she was healthy and happy, suffered a cerebral haemorrhage, which manifested itself with a severe headache. I immediately took her to the doctor, but there she lost consciousness and never woke up again. Then I took him to the hospital and spent everything I had saved. He was intubated and went into a deep coma. The doctors from the first moment gave no hope, but I was hoping for a miracle. Three times a day they let me go into the ER and watch it. I would talk to him, yell at him, just in case he would hear me and wake up. I prayed to God, Our Lady and all the saints. Three days ago he was at rest. Whatever the holy God decides.
This week in West Bengal everything is closed due to Hindu holidays. Nobody works except me. The staff of the orphanage is on leave due to the festival and so I am also doing the cooking duties. I mostly coordinate because the big girls help me. Thank goodness for everything! Bless you all and don’t stop praying for us. With love in Christ
Sister Nectaria