Orthodoxy in Madagascar II
Part B of the speech of His Eminence Metropolitan Ignatius of Madagascar on the Orthodox Mission in the hall of our Fraternity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_EYAEnF_xo
Part B of the speech of His Eminence Metropolitan Ignatius of Madagascar on the Orthodox Mission in the hall of our Fraternity. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_EYAEnF_xo
The theologian Mr. Gregory Mukenge, secretary of the Orthodox Theological School of Congo, speaks exclusively to “Peptousia” about the way Orthodoxy is experienced by an African youth today
We support missionary teams that help local populations to live a little better by providing education and medical care. See samples of this help from the documentary “True Scenarios” (part 3)
Excerpts from the speech of His Eminence Metropolitan Demetrios of Irinople on the Orthodox Mission in the hall of our Brotherhood.
With great agonies and much struggle and anguish in the 20 years of the life of the Orthodox Diocese of Nigeria, new parishes and communities were created
Special 4e broadcast from the visit of the TV crew to Congo during the pastoral visit of Patriarch Theodoros of Alexandria
The people there may be thirsty for Orthodoxy, but we are facing problems