Letter from Madagascar: With heart and awareness
Dear brethren, It is with great pleasure that I am contacting you to inform you of the progress of the works, but at the same time, unfortunately, of the increase in problems. God’s grace accompanies and strengthens us in the difficult days ahead. It is a test and a lesson for all of us. First of all, I would like to thank you for your continued support in our humble ministry and for funding several projects.
Expenditure on works has been significantly reduced and we are only going ahead with the essentials. Some are finished. , such as two houses for priests to get rid of the rents covered by the Mission, the repairs of three temples that were completely destroyed by the hurricanes and floods and two temples that are nearing the end of their life. The construction of the orphanage was stopped after we managed to cover it to protect it from the torrential rains that started.

There are many difficulties and many needs that we cannot de facto meet. Our prayer intensifies towards the benevolent God and the Most Holy Theotokos for the continuation of the missionary work. We have already reduced, as far as possible, the teaching staff from some schools and made whatever cuts were possible and needed to be made. Our appeals to all missionary societies and individuals are ongoing in support of the work of the Church. At the urging of His Beatitude Pope and Patriarch Theodore, we are trying to generate income from within the country by doing some profitable work – initially, livestock farming. But for this work we need some capital. Therefore, we would like to ask you, if you can, to support us according to your possibilities. We would be grateful. During this time there are also several baptisms in many villages where the priests in collaboration with the catechists have prepared the catechumens to receive the first and fundamental Sacrament of Faith.

A team of doctors from Cyprus headed by His Eminence Metropolitan Chrysostomos of Kition offers its services to the poor and the ailing sick. The missionary work never stops offering its services on a spiritual and charitable level. There are always needs and the people who minister do not have time to meet them.
Let us wish God to present more persons with a missionary spirit to work in his vineyard.
With the love of Christ
† Ignatius of Madagascar