Thanks from Calcutta

Dear brethren,
Christ is risen! It is with feelings of deep gratitude that I am writing these few lines to thank you for your continued love, support and help to the Indian Mission. Despite the difficult and tragic times our country is experiencing, you have miraculously managed to support us again in the last quarter (March – May 2013) with the respectable amount of 12,300 Euros in total. I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart all the donors, who continue to give, now from their savings, and humbly wish that the Light and Joy of the Resurrection of our Lord may fill their souls and lives. As much as we try to limit expenses, the needs in a project so extensive and multi-faceted remain many and pressing, so every euro is vitally important to us. We pray that God’s Love and Providence will not abandon either our Greek compatriots who are being tested or us in distant India. Please pray for us extensively that the Lord will enlighten and support us in this difficult struggle and bless our humble ministry in His Work. With heartfelt thanks and love in Christ
Sister Nectaria