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Greetings from Indonesia

Dear brothers, Greetings! With the grace of God, we celebrated the Holy Week services again this year. Several faithful from the various rural parishes gathered at our mission center in Medan City to celebrate Holy Easter with us. These Orthodox Christians every year come and stay with us in our parish hall from Holy Thursday to the Vespers of Love. They attend all the services with devotion. Unfortunately, these days are the rainy season, but – thank God – we celebrate all the services with great emotion and spiritual joy, praising our risen Christ. Thank you very much for your efforts and care and especially for the amount of 12,500 euros that you sent us. Thus, dear ones, we can continue the building of our Theotokos Hospital in the city of Medan. We immediately bought some materials so that the contractors can start the work. All our Orthodox brothers and sisters in Sumatra have great love and appreciation for the work your Brotherhood is doing for them. I am very happy for the love you show for my little ministry in Indonesia. Again, I thank you very much for your great contribution and I wish the Lord, the source of all good things, to enrich you with His highest goodness. Fr. Chrysostom Manalu

