Group baptisms in the midst of war
In the midst of the civil war that is ravaging the capital of Côte d’Ivoire, where the blood of innocent souls is being spilled every day, our Church proceeded with group baptisms of catechumens in the Holy Church of the Resurrection of the Lord in the capital Abidjan. The baptisms were celebrated by the parish priest, Fr. Jeremiah, who daily supports the refugees either by distributing rations or by helping them to travel to the border with Ghana to escape danger and save their lives. We appeal to all our compassionate brothers and sisters to support the humanitarian aid we provide daily to more than two thousand refugees. One euro is enough to provide a refugee with a ration and twenty euros will ensure his passage across the border and his ticket to salvation and freedom.
From the Holy Metropolis
Our fellow human beings in Côte d’Ivoire are suffering. Let us not overlook them, but let us offer a euro from our savings to help them.