Dedication and Ordination in Harare
To the Honourable Mr. Vaios Pratzos
President of the Orthodox Foreign Missionary Brotherhood
Harare, 25 April 2010
Dear President, Christ is risen!
I would like to inform you that, on the feast day of Saint Great Martyr George the Trophy Bearer, we celebrated with great pomp and devotion the inauguration of the Holy Church of the same name, of which you are the builder and Great Benefactor. According to the common testimony of all those present, we experienced historic moments, which will remain forever engraved in our souls. During the Divine Liturgy, I ordained Deacon John Manjoro as Elder, who will assume the duties of pastor from May 9th of this year. The whole place is a real oasis, both physical and spiritual, and we expect you to see it for yourselves, so that we can also celebrate the inauguration. To equip the Church, we had to bring from Greece some ecclesiastical furniture and utensils, of which I enclose a detailed list. It would be a great blessing and relief to us if you would cover all or part of this equipment, so that with the money you sent us last month we could complete the building of the presbytery. Again, thank you for all that you do for the Orthodox Church of Zimbabwe, but most of all for your trust. I am enclosing photographic material.
With Resurrectional embrace,
+ Zimbabwe George