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Return to the orphanage

Dear members of the Orthodox Missionary Brotherhood of Thessaloniki, Christ is risen! I don’t believe in Greece you have seen a nun in an internet cafe ! In India everything happens… After I returned, I found the phone lines cut and my computer broken. Two weeks to repair it and see when they will fix it. What about the phones? God knows when they’ll be restored… Everything here works at its own pace and it takes a lot of patience! So I have seen the rest and so today I broke the status quo and am in the Cafe! I read two of your messages and was, frankly, very pleased. I feel your love and support and I get strength great. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. India welcomed me with 45⁰ degrees temperature and today we touched 50⁰! Pure hell and I am enduring it with the hope that God will deliver me from eternal… Our little girls were celebrating my return. We took 23 more five-horned little ones to our orphanage. Our own school has started and they are all going to the infants. Here, thank God, despite my long absence, everything is running like clockwork. The choice of Raphael as Headmaster was a good one after all. He is loyal and honest and has proven to have leadership and organizational gifts. He doesn’t look it, he is “small potatoes”. He is humble, low-key, keeps a balance and has earned everyone’s respect. Problems, of course, are not lacking. These are like the heads of the Hydra: one cut off, ten pop up! God grant us enlightenment and discernment! A job? Twenty-four hours is not enough. A dentist came with me, Mrs. Maria Demenaga. She runs our dental office eight hours a day. Next week she will be back and I will have her mail you from Greece the receipt for the 20,000 euros that you will send us and also the quotation for the cost of the wall and embankment of the school yard and the cost of the interior equipment for the Boys’ Orphanage. We have the first boys waiting … I will try to make a CD with new pictures to send you. I’m stopping here. To answer a few more necessary questions and return to the Orphanage. God bless you. Don’t forget me. I rely on your love and prayers.

With appreciation and love of Christ.

Ad. Nectaria

