Opening of two Temples in Madagascar
I am very happy to inform you that the projects that your Brotherhood had financed have already been completed. Some time has passed, of course, since the deadline we had set, but as you know, we are facing a great problem with the inconsistency of people. The second reason is that everything here is done manually, without machinery, and as a result the works are delayed. In addition, the distances are too long and the roads are in such a bad state that they do not allow for the rapid transport of materials, and it often happens that the means of transport break down, so that they are left on the road and the transport is delayed. The Churches which you had financed have already been completed and we have also celebrated the inauguration of the Church of the Nativity of the Baptist on 11 July, where the appropriate preparations and decoration of the Church had been made. The authorities of the region were also present, who expressed their admiration and praised the Orthodox Church both for its magnificent church and for its presence in this region. In the speeches delivered we thanked the donors and the brotherhood who interceded for this free gift. In the Church of Saints Constantine and Helen we celebrated the inauguration on July 30, in the presence of many people, not only from this village, but also from the surrounding areas. Also local officials and representatives of churches of other denominations had come. The reception by the believers was solemn. After the customary holy water blessing, we also thanked the donors and mentioned the multifaceted work of the Brotherhood and its substantial support in the various activities of our mission. After the opening of the doors, a rich program followed, with local traditional dances, songs and a meal, which was provided by the parish to all without exception. The atmosphere was very festive and the conclusion of this celebration was the distribution of clothes and other goods to 30 poor families. We thanked God and the people and departed. We all wished, young and old, that these two newly built churches would indeed be spiritual dispensaries for the Glory of God and the salvation of the people. Such churches are a living presence of Orthodoxy in these remote villages and it is very touching to hear the bell calling the Orthodox Christians to common prayer.
I praise God for constantly opening the door of faith to well-meaning people and it is indeed a miracle of the Holy Spirit that many people are coming to Orthodoxy. We have many such cases of people who seek and search for the truth and reach as far as our mission field. We intimately glorify the name of God and pray that all people may know the Truth of the Gospel, renounce the errors of other religions, break free from the nets of idolatry and by His grace become His children. My respects to all the members of the brotherhood and many thanks to the donors of the works. Please kindly support us if you can by purchasing food at our regular Monday soup kitchen. Thank you very much. God be with you
With love in Christ
+ Ignatius of Madagascar