Two New Wells in Gulu

Christ is Risen!

We thank the Almighty God and express our gratitude for your immense love towards our missionary work and specifically for the donation we received for the construction of wells, due to the difficulty that exists in our communities to have access to drinking water.

We are very happy to inform you that the project has progressed very successfully and two wells have been constructed, one in Omoro District at St. Anthony Parish and one in Karamoja District.

The joy and relief of the mothers who will not have to walk long distances to get twenty liters of water  as well as the children’s smiles, are ways of  rendering praise to God and expressing gratitude to the people behind this project. We thank you wholeheartedly for your love!  Apwoyo Matek ! We are also sending you photographic material so that you too can share our joy. (pages 23-25)

The work was delayed for two reasons: on the one hand, because we were waiting for the dry season so that the water table would drop and reach its lowest levels, and on the other, because in our area there are not many companies that implement such projects and they were busy elsewhere.

†  Nectarios of Gulu   and Northern Uganda

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60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries