A centre of Love in the heart of Kenya

The Diocese of Nyeri and Mount Kenya is one of the 4 Dioceses of Kenya under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Alexandria. Nyeri Region is located in Central Kenya and next to Mount Kenya and consists of 7 districts:Nyeri, Mwingi, Meru, Embu, Laikipia, Nyahururu and Tharaka-nithi. In the headquarters of Nyeri there are various tribes e.g. Kikuyu, Maasai, Kamba, Trukana, Nadi and others.

In Nyeri there are Schools of all levels of education: Kindergartens as well as Primary and Middle Schools. There are also Clinics and Orphanages, all of which are supported both spiritually and financially by the Holy Diocese of Nyeri and Mount Kenya. In order to respond to this project, the Holy Diocese needs help from everyone who can possibly offer it.

Of these, near the Episcopal See and in Gachika Nyeri Region are an orphanage and a school: the “Makarios Children’s Home” and the “Makarios Primary School”, which started operating in 2007.

The main purpose of their operation is to help the less fortunate children in the society, such as orphaned and underprivileged children, by offering them- among other basic needs- shelter and education. These children are under the patronage and direction of the Primate of the Orthodox Diocese of Nyeri and Mount Kenya.

“Makarios Children’s Home” has approximately 160 children, 48 of which are currently attending Colleges and Universities, 29 Middle Schools and 83 Kindergarten and Primary School. The Orphanage also has 24 people working there.

“Makarios Primary School” is located next to the Orphanage, and thus the children of the Orphanage of Kindergarten and Primary age can continue their education there, while the older children can also continue staying at the Orphanage. This Primary School has about 120 children and even hosts children from the neighboring area.

Children and staff gather together for the Divine Liturgy every Thursday at the Church of St. Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain, with parish church Father Makarios Kanyi and the children participating and singing during the Divine Liturgy.

The Holy Diocese offers the children the opportunity for spiritual training and provides them with all the psychological support they need, because these children are wounded and vulnerable from traumas in their life before. Of these children, some have suffered from diseases such as AIDS, some have been physically abused, others sexually abused, some have had an early marriage, some have no family and some are abandoned. Thus, the Church stands by the side of all children, supporting them in every way by providing them with accommodation, food, clothing and education, while trying to create a beautiful future society, as St. James the Apostle mentions, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.(James 1.27) Financial help coming from everyone will help the work of the Holy Diocese so that it can achieve all these goals it has set for the creation of a better tomorrow for these innocent creatures.

During 2023, under the direction of His Grace Bishop Panaretos of Nyeri and with the help of the “Sophia Foundation for Children”, several changes were made. The reason for these changes was the improvement of the situation at the Orphanage and at School. Among other things, the infrastructure was renovated and better qualified staff was hired.

During the first year as the Primate of his Church mission, His Grace supported the field of education and himself paid several visits to the School and the Orphanage. With these frequent visits the children have begun to feel all the love and spiritual care he offers to them, which is why they always welcome him with great enthusiasm. So during the year, the children managed to accomplish some of their goals and implement many activities and projects, always by the Grace and Providence of God.

Center for its promotion and development at all levels.

From the Holy Diocese

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60 years later: Event in memory of Holy Missionaries