
Mission to Fiji in the Pacific Ocean

Katerina Alexandrou, ophthalmologist, member of the Brotherhood

Another page was written in the minutes of the members of the Brotherhood of Orthodox Foreign Mission, Mrs. Angeliki Arnaoutis, Mr. Prodromos Kalaitzidis and Mrs. Katerina Alexandrou, making the dream trip to Fiji.

The Pacific Rim Missionary Group is a newly established missionary group, only 17 years old since its foundation.

The founder of this wonderful work is the former Metropolitan of New Zealand, Elder Amphilochios.

This is a historical event in our days, which concerns the connection and first acquaintance of the inhabitants of Fiji with the Orthodox faith.

Arriving in the community we felt from the first moment the warm welcome, its immediacy, kindness, courtesy and wonderful hospitality!

In our daily life we gave priority to the children of the orphanage and then to the parishioners and not only to Orthodox and Christians of other faiths, but also to people of other religions, such as Hindus, Buddhists and Muslims. People simple-minded and eager to express their gratitude by opening their arms and smiles blossoming on their lips.

We experienced moments of emotion and very important moments when people indiscriminately hold their arms open!

They give meaning to the essential existence of the Mission and respond with this message in the face of a world of doubt, uncertainty and violence.

Referring to the children of the orphanages for as long as we were there, we had direct communication in an atmosphere of mutual joy and love.

Many times, they encouraged us to let go of the dream, to become children with them!

Indicative is the care and care of the children on behalf of the Holy Metropolis of New Zealand under the guidance and vigilance of the current Metropolitan Myron.

His Eminence places as his first concern the securing of resources and the smooth operation of the Agia Tavitha Orphanage.

He fights as a spiritual father for their proper education and spiritual cultivation and, as he emphasizes, with respect and discretion to their customs and culture.

They form a wonderful Byzantine choir where the hymns and the Greek language hymns take you to a magical universal atmosphere in the back of the Pacific!

If the Fiji Mission has a treasure to present, it is undoubtedly its children. They define the present, the future and the hope for a better and reborn world!

I also take the opportunity to note that we stayed throughout our stay in a nice and well-kept place. Unfortunately, due to the tropical rains and monsoons of this zone, the roof of the building has shown deterioration problems and there is a need for immediate repair.

We would also like to mention and thank the sponsors of some of the glasses that were distributed: Nikolaos Vakalis and the Novum optical stores of Thessaloniki.

Returning to our country, we came back refreshed and full of strength far beyond what we tried to give.

We have been awakened by our rich experiences, the lessons we have learned and, above all, the love of the people we have left behind but who continue to accompany us.

All of this keeps us alive and optimistic to continue our lives in a cycle of constant change and a humanity moving through multidimensional turbulence.

We are very grateful to Metropolitan Myron of New Zealand and his associates for the tremendous hospitality they provided us and for making such a long journey considering them as our familiar people!
