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Speech by Metropolitan Myron of New Zealand

On Sunday, October 8th, Metropolitan Myron of New Zealand and Oceania, attended and spoke at the meeting of the Orthodox Foreign Missionary Brotherhood in Thessaloniki.

His Eminence referred to the presence and development of Orthodoxy in the islands of the South Pacific Ocean, the holy churches that have been built and the orphanage that cares for young children in Laoutoka.

He particularly stressed the attention required for the proper transmission of Orthodoxy to the pure souls of the natives, while he referred extensively to the former Bishop of Gano and Chora, Mr.Amphilochios (Tsukos), who with affection, faith and love for every person started 17 years ago the pioneering missionary work in the region.

Finally, he commemorated Blessed Fr. Barnabas Nair, an indigenous priest of Fiji, who became a model of virtue and holiness and a reference point for local people of all denominations.

Three members of the Brotherhood who visited Fiji in August then took the floor: Katerina Alexandrou, an ophthalmologist who for 20 days examined the local residents free of charge, offering them glasses according to their needs, Angeliki Arnaouti, a teacher, and Prodromos Kalaitzidis, an engineer, who stressed their enthusiasm for the missionary work in Fiji, where they admired the love of the Holy Metropolis of New Zealand for the local population.
