Those On The Backline… Hold on!
We would like to extend our great appreciation and deep gratitude to the Orthodox Missionary Fraternity, which for 60 years now has organized the rear of the Mission, has cultivated the missionary consciousness in the homeland and has strengthened the ministry on the front line. They are accompanied by the blessing of the first missionary of Africa, Fr. Chrysostomos Papasarantopoulos!
This is how those on the missionary front feel; we have the Fraternity brothers who think of us, call us, pray and care. This concern has to do first with moral and then with financial support.
“Shall we send you money for wells?”
“Shall we send you money for baptisms?”
The School From the Czech Republic
-“Do you want funds for a school construction?”
– “This goes without asking.”
-“Well, we happen to ask you because now a brother from the Czech Republic, Peter, happens to have an amount of money to dispose for a school construction and we thought of you.’
The result is that the School in our most populous Parish of the Holy Cross in Makerere is nearing completion and we need the equipment to make it fully operational.
Praise be to God! We live miracles in the Church and especially in the Mission!
If of course someone wants to contribute to this miracle through the Orthodox Missionary Fraternity, they are most welcome!

The Place Where Orthodoxy Began
Of course, there is also the half-finished Mission Center of St. Euphemia in Geita, which is waiting for the last funds to be completed.
The dormitories and the toilet facilities have been completed, and now the kitchen and dining room must be completed so that we can host our children at the Camp in the summer.
We believe that with the last €20,000 we can enjoy the renovation of the place where 60 years ago (in 1963) the first Orthodox baptisms took place!
“Joy and Peace of Christ”
This is the name of the church camps of Kasikizi, which host 3,000 students and young people every year. They operate during the summer-in June, July and August, and thus, with the training of our children and youth into our faith, the Orthodox conscience is reborn. We need young people who will come to us voluntarily and will help and support our children.
150 children from our various Parishes are hosted in each period, one week at a time, under the care of our priests and catechists. Their accommodation, food and transport costs 1,000 euro per week. We gladly accept personal presence of volunteers as well as financial support; both are most welcome.

This is the name of the Hospital of our Diocese, which, however, has many operational issues. It definitely needs expansion with an obstetric and pediatric clinic. Lately, I have been horrified by the large number of deaths of mothers and children!
However, what can help immediately is the arrival of volunteer doctors, who will increase visitations to the Hospital, will give the local doctors the chance to gain experience and will economically stimulate its operation in this much-suffering area of northern Tanzania.
And all this is supported by the backline. Dear brothers , you are a great comfort indeed!
You keep the flame of missionary consciousness burning in our people in Thessaloniki, where many workers of the missionary vineyard showed up, from brothers Cyril and Methodius to Hieromonk Fr. Kosmas of Gregoriou Monastery.
The oil of your love fuels the lighthouse of Orthodoxy in Africa! Keep going! Don’t stop supporting the missionaries ,like pioneer Fr. Chrysostomos Papasarantopoulos and like Fr. Sosthenes Kiyonga, the enlightener of Tanzania!
✝ Chrysostomos of Bukomba