Moments of life
Although the Holy Diocese of Accra was founded in 1959 -when the Blessed Nicholas the Sixth was a Patriarch, it was this current year that marked and celebrated the fortieth anniversary of the incorporation of the so-called “Orthodox Church of Ghana”, the indigenous church, into the canonical Orthodox Church, that is, the Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa.
The celebrations were not limited to a couple of events, but the whole year was characterized as a year of celebration. We have planned various events and the launch of programs which will strengthen the Church in Ghana. Among them are :
- The stimulation of the liturgical life of the parishes through seminars and concelebrations with more experienced priests. We gave special importance to the proper celebration of Easter, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (which is also the anniversary of the accession), and the celebration of Christmas. In addition, we encouraged the parishes to celebrate the feast of their Sacred Church with the participation of the other neighboring parishes as well.
- Η επιμόρφωση όλων των μελών της Εκκλησίας ανεξάρτητα από ηλικία. Διαμορφώνεται κατάλληλο υλικό για τους κατηχητές και μαθητές, και προγραμματίζονται ειδικά σεμινάρια για τη σωστή διδασκαλία της ύλης. Πιστεύουμε ότι το υλικό θα είναι σύντομα έτοιμο.
- • Publications have been printed, or are being prepared, which will support the liturgical life of the faithful. – The Church calendar of the year 2022 with the feasts and readings. – The Great Hours of Good Friday and the Vespers of the Deposition in the local Twi language. – The Divine Liturgy of Sts. John Chrysostom and Basil the Great in one edition, in parallel columns, in English and Twi. – Material that will support the training program of the faithful – student manuals, teacher and catechist aids and additional material as needed.
- Η μεγάλη κατασκήνωση της νεολαίας μας στο Larteh που είχε, λόγω κορονοϊού, δυο χρόνια να γίνει. Φέτος συμμετείχαν 130 παιδιά διαφόρων ηλικιών.
- • The opening of a bookstore in the premises of our Cathedral, which will contain, in addition to our editions, other books for the benefit of the soul as well as liturgical items – icons, incense, and other stuff like that.

The highlight of the events was the Solemn Archieratic Divine Liturgy on the Sunday after the Elevation of the Holy Cross, in our Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior. This was followed by a meal that we offered to all the believers who had attended church. That same evening, our faithful had organized a concert in honor of Father Joseph Labi, who completed forty years of Priesthood and ministry this year. We wish health and long life to this exquisite man.
May God continue to bless our work in Ghana so that we can spread the light of His Truth to everyone and help more people get to know our Lord, and so that we can offer, wherever we can, some help and consolation, which so many people need. Your humble partner in the Lord’s Vineyard,
† Petros of Accra