The value of water
The value of water for our life is immeasurable. It is the most important good for the human organism, which needs water to survive. And yet, in Central Africa, specifically in Kinshasa, Congo, water is hard to find. There are no infrastructures or water networks. The consequences are:
- Οἱ συνάνθρωποί μας ἀναγκάζονται νὰ διανύουν ἀποστάσεις χιλιομέτρων καὶ νὰ κουβαλοῦν λεκάνες μὲ νερὸ στὸ κεφάλι γιὰ νὰ ἐπιβιώσουν.1. In order to survive, our fellow humans are forced to walk for miles and miles every day to fetch water in jerry cans , which they carry on their heads.
- 2. A large number of children get sick, or even die, from the dirty water they collect and drink.

That is why there is an immediate need for boreholes to be drilled so that we can find and offer this divine gift not only to our faithful but also to all the people living here who are deprived of it and suffer, with many of them being led even to death.
Please help us through your contribution to do the borehole drilling so that we can save lives by finding water, which is so much needed by the Mission and the inhabitants of our Diocese.
Theodosius of Kinshasa