The Seed of Orthodoxy in Bogotá
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The Seed of Orthodoxy in Bogotá

In Colombia the Orthodox faith is growing. In 2000, we only had one parish community in the whole of Colombia with very few believers coming from different Orthodox countries, and I must say that this parish had the only Orthodox Church and place of worship in the whole country. This parish hosts the current Cathedral…

Pleasant Thee, being born, was loved
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Pleasant Thee, being born, was loved

He is our beloved brother and father Barnabas, pastor and spiritual father of the unbroken Orthodox community of Lampasa, on the second large island of Fiji, Vanua Levi. The news of his passing was sudden and shocked us, because he was still young and in the prime of his missionary activity. Every Sunday and feast…

Freely you Have Received, Freely Give
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Freely you Have Received, Freely Give

Dear Friends of Mission, First of all, I would like to thank you for your love and continued financial assistance to the missionary and charitable work being carried out in faraway India with the blessing of the Holy See of Singapore, where the Orthodox Church of India belongs ecclesiastically. We all know that the missionary…