Dear friends of the Mission,
Rejoice in the Lord always!
With your help, we continue the work of the mission in Uganda.
We always hope that our Lord Jesus Christ will grant you health and joy. May you always be happy with all the good things, spiritual and material, that the giving Lord gives you.
With the grace of God, the blessing of our Pope and Patriarch Theodore, and your help, we continue our missionary work with various difficulties and needs, but with our prayer and trust in the Lord, whose love unites us with you, friends of our mission, who help us in this great work.
The Needs of our Mission are many, and multiplied by the difficulties of the current pandemic which has made it very difficult for our poor brothers and sisters here in Uganda. Many times I am the recipient of requests from my clergy and faithful crew and each time I lift my eyes to heaven and ask Christ to help us so that we can overcome our problems and needs.

Among the many difficulties and needs, however, I think I am writing to you this time, asking for your prayers for the great need of the Holy Temples in our Church here. Uganda is in need of Churches my dear brethren. Several Orthodox communities remain without Temples, and we ask the Lord that we may be able to build at least a few simple Temples in our Mission Centres for our Christians and for the catechumens. So that we may continue preaching the Gospel, catechizing in the Orthodox faith to the spiritually thirsty people who long to hear about Orthodoxy, organizing around these Temples our charitable activities for the expression of love in Christ to our poor brothers and sisters.
With 35,000€ we can build a Holy Church in one of our missionary centres that do not have one. Temples are places of God’s presence in a special way, so it is worthy and just that they should be well-preserved with beauty, for the glory of the Lord and for our blessing. We may, when we are poor, worship God in simplicity in poor Temples and in huts and in the houses of believers, even under the foliage of trees, but it is a great blessing and joy if we can also build a beautiful Temple to the glory of God. Therefore, brothers and sisters, pray that donors may be found to build even simple but beautiful Temples in our Mission in Uganda, so that the souls of the poor Orthodox baptized and catechized Orthodox may rest there.
Please, my dear brothers in Greece, do not forget us. Put us in your prayers. Offer what you can and have the certainty that in the mission everything works. Nothing is wasted and nothing is left over.
With the blessings and love of Christ
† Gulu Silvestros