Patriarchal tour in Kenya
And yet he came. Who? The one who this year has completed thirty years of High Priesthood and sixteen years at the helm of the Orthodox Church in Africa. He himself considered that his presence was necessary and imperative. The father of the great and historic Church of St. Mark had to show his love and trust.
He came to support and strengthen his needy African children, showing that he actually represents the afflicted man of Africa and becomes an apostle of love and sincere sacrifice for him. And this sacrificial journey differs from the previous ones because it is characterized by a special love accompanied by the cross of our times, which afflicts the whole of humanity, it is the global pandemic known as coronavirus, which has been a terrible blow for mankind and constantly attacks and hurts human dignity and existence.

Despite the adversities, the Patriarch of the poor and the hungry, decided to fulfill his vow once again and manifest the wealth of his warm heart, which truly strengthens and embraces the pain and despair of the hungry children of Africa. This man of God seems to have been born only to sacrifice himself for the others, and in this case, for the poor and forlorn people of Africa. He is the man of love and compassion. He was so certain and convinced of this condescension of God, that as a Primate, he had to have deep inside this unconditional love and deep desire to serve, to minister to the faithful people of God near and far.
His recent journey to Kenya, made His Beatitude realize the effort for consolidation and strengthening in all areas of church life, and hope for the renovation and reformation of the moral values and life of our local Church, which has been his dream and fervent desire.
The inspiring and deeply spiritual words of the Father to his children gave once again the assurance of an immeasurable love and genuine care, an inexhaustible love that gave hope and strength, especially to our young people, who now saw that their visions and aspirations would take the path of fulfillment and that the clergy and the people in their course of life, no matter how many difficulties there are, especially now with the pandemic, would be sure that their companion is the Spiritual Leader of the African land, the Patriarch of the love for the poor, the hungry , the disadvantaged, the needy, the forlorn.

Our brothers in Christ of Kenya felt great joy when our Shepherd performed the trisagion service in memory of the late first bishop George Gadounas, accompanied by the elders and his spiritual children. May his memory be eternal!
Indeed, this blessed week of His Beatitude’s stay on the occasion of the joyous anniversary of his toil and sacrificial ministry on the throne of St. Mark, was the culmination of the Orthodox presence here. Our Church will continue under any circumstances the sacred work of evangelizing the tribes of Africa, not for our own glory and honor but for the glory of God, so that we will always be a living testimony of love and unity, reconciliation and acceptance of all human beings as images of God.
✝ Bishop of Kenya Makarios