A Ray of hope in the year 2020.
Dear Friends of Mission,
2020 was undoubtedly a difficult year for all of us. The health, finances, even the faith of a large number of us, was shaken. The needs of the people losing their livelihoods were many. With very few means at our disposal, we did our best to alleviate their pain, hoping that the Holy God would help them meet their needs as well as the needs of our Diocese. Believe me, there were times when I did not know whether I could pay the salaries of our Priests. God did not abandon us though. He would always send a warm-hearted donor to offer help and support. Also, it was your contribution that helped us cover a few expenses. To all of you, known and unknown supporters, I am deeply grateful.

2020 may have brought us problems, but it also brought us joys. When the faithful of Agboville, a city in the Ivory Coast, realized that there would be no money left over for the construction of their Church, they decided to build it by themselves, using whatever means they had at their disposal.
It is indeed with great pleasure, and I dare say with a sense of pride, that I announce to you the operation of our new Parish Church in Agboville, which was built thanks to the donations and deprivations of the local faithful, and with the supervision and efforts of our priests. It is encouraging as well as moving to see the Indigenous people taking the initiative and caring for their parishes in these difficult times, without expecting or asking for help from elsewhere. The new church building may still have imperfections (windows, doors, paving and utilities such as electricity and water supply system are missing), but at least it is operational. In fact, it is there that they performed the Christmas Divine Liturgy and the baptism of 15 catechumens.

As in 2020 there had been one hundred years since the death of our beloved Saint, the year was named “Year of Saint Nectarios” by our Blessed Pope and Patriarch Theodore II, so, I asked for his blessing to dedicate our new Church to Saint Nektarios, Bishop of Pentapolis.
May our Holy God, through the intercession of Saint Nektarios, bless the New Year and every effort made to His glory, grant us all health and spiritual prosperity, have mercy on us and put an end to the pandemic that afflicts His world.
Your hymble partner in the Vineyard of the Lord ✝Bishop Peter of Accra