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Supporting the poor

Dear Friends of Mission,

As a missionary bishop, I feel very thankful to my Lord, “for His merciful kindness is great toward me, His humble and unworthy servant”, so that I may minister the great Work of His Church, that of the Evangelization of the people who are far away from our traditionally Christian homelands.

In this Work, you are the blessed companions, the ones who read these lines and your heart overflows with feelings of love and compassion for your poor, long-suffering brothers, and are ready to give your contribution from your excess or from the little you have so as to support us and help us meet the many needs we face. These needs are both spiritual and material. Your prayers give us strength and patience so that we may continue our multifaceted struggle with joy.

We must make known to your Love that we continue to provide food to the poor children of the Parishes of our Diocese. The Joy and gratitude they receive from the mite of your love, ascends as incense accepted before the God of love.

My beloved brothers and sisters, let us not forget that during His Second Coming, our Lord and God Jesus Christ will judge us mainly by how much we have exercised love.

May the Righteous Judge reward you for your support with His abundant blessings a hundred fold and grant unto you Eternal life.

† Photios of Malawi

Cordial thanks

Dear Friends of Mission,

we thank the God of Love who enables us through your own contribution, to practice the great work of Love, especially in these tough financial times that we are going through.

We pray that the Holy God increases in our Homeland the number of people who offer selfless love and assistance, particularly in the “great Mother to the needy”, as the city of Saint Demetrius is often called, the historical co-capital of Greece, our beautiful Thessaloniki.

We wholeheartedly thank and praise the Orthodox Missionary Fraternity and all those who participate in this beautiful struggle of love.

You are our rear guard. Without your contribution, our missionary work would not be able to stand on the ramparts of the struggle. Thank you once again wholeheartedly. Blessed children of God, my joy and crown, may the name of the Lord be blessed from now to eternity. Whatever you have done and will do for the poor children of Malawi, our children, the children of Christ, you do it for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Give Love and receive Eternal Kingdom close to our Savior and Redeemer, the be-all and end-all, the King of our hearts, the Lord Jesus Christ, to whom belongs glory, honor, praise and worship now and forever and to the ages of ages. Amen.

Wishing in the Lord with infinite gratitude, † Photios of Malawi
