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Gone with the sea

Dear Friends of Mission,

By the Grace of our Lord we were in Greece on July 5, escorting from the Mission Orphanage of the New Zealand Holy Metropolis to the Fiji islands three children, Moses, Basil and Gabriel, so that they would study at the Ecclesiastical School of Patmos, learn the Greek language and the Holy Scriptures. God willing, these three children will eventually become the first educated native Priests of Fiji.

This trip is the culmination of an 18-month effort on the part of many people from Fiji, New Zealand, Australia and Greece, during which 31 documents were required for each child along with translation and authenticity validation for entry permits to be issued in both Australia and Greece, their study permit in Greece, acceptance and enrollment at the Ecclesiastical School of Patmos, as well as one year tickets and travel insurance for each child. All the above cost 3,500 euro per child. It was a procedure that had never been done before, and it is a valuable asset for the future, as it made us gain the knowledge required to keep the road open and strengthen the relationship between Fiji and Greece.

Patience and perseverance were valuable allies. The contemplation of the ultimate goal gave strength. Praying and invoking the Holy Name of God overcame all kinds of difficulties. We reached the first milestone. We move on to the next one by the Grace of God Almighty. Thanks be to God.

Our Fijian orphans chanting

Moreover, during the past 6 months a successful attempt was made for Fr. Panayiotis to move from Fiji to Sydney, Australia, in order to undergo double surgery on the right eye and have a partial restoration of his vision. His eyesight had been completely lost in the left eye due to diabetes. His double transition to Sydney over a 3-month period and the operations performed restored his right eye vision from 10% to 40%, and it is constantly improving. The result of cooperation in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ is marvelous. Wherever there are 2 or 3 gathered in His name, He is there too. Thanks be to God.

We are small and weak. The Almighty God sends His Angels and illumines His will in our minds and hearts and gives us the power required for its accomplishment. May He enable us to perceive it, accept it and serve it to His Glory at all times.

Finally, may the Almighty God bestow His abundant blessings upon you, your associates and the readers of your magazine.

† Myron of New Zealand
