Cross-Resurrectional Experiences
This period every year, here, on the Mission premises, the conduction of the morning and evening sacred services along with the active participation and attendance of the students of our School, creates a solemn atmosphere full of devout reverence, as chanting is rendered in the best way possible in the various local dialects of Africa.
The Salutations to the Virgin Mary, the Compline, the Presanctified Liturgies, particularly the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, all these along with the accompanying hymns, express what is most beautiful and spiritual and thus enrich the atmosphere, conveying exactly those heavenly messages that really touch our souls and arouse strong emotions which carry us to the world of eternity.
But also the Holy Week, which is dedicated to the Lord’s Passion, with the even more solemn services, was a constant reminder of the extreme humiliation and sacrifice of our Lord, Who underwent so much suffering and so many tortures before He was crucified for us, His sinful, unworthy servants.

Every year on Holy Wednesday, the Holy Unction is performed for both physical and spiritual healing. Then the blessed oil is transferred to the parishes and homes of our sick and disabled brothers, who need not only special care and regard/consideration, but also moral support. And of course, all these days were dedicated to our little children, who always await our food programs.
† Makarios of Nairobi