The good shepherd
Father Barnabas, a former Hindu named Shree Nair Chrisna, is the active priest of the non-existent a few years ago and now bustling parish of Saints Athanasius and Nicholas in Lampasa, Vanua Levu, Fiji. All strength and vigour, all vigour and zeal for the progress and growth of his parish, the only one on this second large island of Fiji. On New Year’s Eve today, he welcomed us with great joy at the airport to meet us on such a great day in his parish, close to his congregation consisting mostly of his former Hindu compatriots. Everyone, young and old, with joy painted on their faces, welcomed in their small church their Pastor and his staff, who came to give and, more importantly, to receive joy near their spiritual children. The assistant in the sanctuary Nikitas cannot stop ringing the sweet-sweet bell of the Holy Hierarchs Nicholas and Athanasius, which was donated by a family from our glorious Macedonia, who does not want to disclose its name. Fr. Barnabas’ relationship with the homeland of M. Alexander is twofold, since he was ordained a priest in Thessaloniki and from the Brotherhood of the Orthodox Foreign Mission based there he received and receives spiritual and material help from time to time.
Our welcome is attended by several of our Orthodox Christian brothers and sisters, who came from the region of Savo-Savo, two hours away by bus, to celebrate the New Year together. The end of the past year and the beginning of the new year were sealed with the baptism in the churchyard of fifteen young and old catechumens, and then with the marriage of three androgynous men. Rich are the gifts of the New Year. Everyone’s faces shine with joy, especially that of Fr. Barnabas, who cannot stop repeating “The servant or the servant of God is baptized” and “Let him provide me with bright light, the suspended light as a garment…”. And the Marriages follow: “Lord their God, glory and honour, crown them”. True! What greater honor and glory is there than that which the holy church offers through her holy sacraments? Father Barnabas, Christ found you down there in Savo-Savo, a silver servant, unknown to many, and raised you up and honoured you with the Holy Sacraments of Baptism, Chrismation and the Priesthood.
These are also the source from which you draw all this power and enthusiasm, slowly transforming Vanua Levos into a spiritual oasis and a point of reference. May your parishioners and your family rejoice in you. May the Vanua of Levo rejoice in you. May Fiji rejoice in you. May our Holy Metropolis rejoice in you. May you be the pride of our Holy Orthodoxy. Blessed be the New Year. May the mercies of the Great God and our Savior Jesus Christ abound in the New Year 2017 to the parish of Fr. Barnabas, in Fiji, in our Greece, and throughout the world. Amen.
† New Zealand Amphilochius