The Pain of Separation

Dear Friends of the Mission,

Rejoice in the Lord always!

I am writing -admittedly, with a certain delay- to inform you that we received your € 5,000 donation, and to thank you wholeheartedly for that. I would also like to express our sincere gratitude for your overall support.

Lately I was in hospital day and night next to a 6-year-old girl, who, while being healthy and cheerful, all of a sudden suffered an intracranial hemorrhage, which was manifested with a severe headache. I immediately took her to the doctor, but there she lost consciousness and would not recover. Then I took her to hospital, where I spent all my savings. She got intubated and fell into a deep coma. The doctors were not at all optimistic, but I was hoping for a miracle. She was in the intensive care unit and I was allowed to visit her three times a day. I would speak to her aloud hoping she might be able to hear and wake from the coma. I was praying to God, to our Lady and to all the Saints. Three days ago she passed away. That was God’s will for this poor creature.

This week in West Bengal everything is closed due to Hindu festivals. Nobody is working except me. The orphanage staff is on leave because of the feast, so I do the cooking as well. Actually, I am mostly coordinating things because the older girls help me a lot. All things should be done unto the Glory of God!

May all of you enjoy good health. Please, remember us in your prayers.

With love and gratitude
Sister Nektaria


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