Malawi: The fruitful field of Christ
It is true that we often hear about the difficulties, the obstacles, the problems that the local missionary teams face. But often the theory differs from the reality. Going to Malawi, you experience this reality, from the way you are treated by the natives, from the various third world diseases and, in general, from the adversities of everyday life. In all this cloudy and difficult situation, however, there is abundantly the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. How? Not by logical explanations, not by mathematical operations, not by deductive reasoning, but by the miracle of faith and prayer. The basic principle of the missionary is prayer. That is why he asks it of us every time. Greetings, feast and every kind of service accompany us on missionary excursions. The cross, the blessing, the rosary, irresistible weapons in the machinations of the enemy. An admirable effort is also made in the translation of sacred texts. Painstaking, costly and deeply spiritual work, which looks set to become a tremendous legacy for the people of Malawi. As far as baptisms are concerned, they are celebrated with all the solemnity of the sacrament and only if preceded by at least one year of catechesis.
But since man is not only a spirit, the missionaries also take care of the body. Every day about 400 children are fed, not including the families who ask for help. Every month humanitarian aid is distributed, mainly from the containers, which the love of all of us took care of, collected and sent from the warehouse of the Brotherhood of the Orthodox Foreign Missionary Fraternity. Soap, powdered milk, pasta, flour, sugar are just a few of these items. Some of us may wonder about the motivation for becoming Orthodox in the long-suffering country of Malawi. I assure you that the majority of people who consciously come to Orthodoxy are seeking the Truth, as they are tired of the lies of the heresies. In fact, some of them are asking various questions such as: “Why did Orthodoxy take so long to come to Malawi?” In conclusion, I want to point out that, just as in prayer the spearhead is experience, so too, by being in the mission field, intention and concern become practice and a conscious way of life. My wish and exhortation is that each one of you, if the circumstances of life allow him or her, will become a participant in carrying out the Orthodox witness to the nations. Emmanuel Karakousis
Regular member of the Brotherhood