43 years have passed since the death in the Lord of the second Orthodox Missionary of Africa, the late Αρχ. Archbishop Chrysostomos Papasarantopoulou (1903-1972). Το ιεραποστολικό και πνευματικό έργο του στις Αφρικανικές χώρες όπου εργάσθηκε και έδρασε, Ουγκάντα, Κένυα, Τανζανία και Κονγκό, ρίζωσε βαθιά στις καρδιές των Αφρικανών και έδωσε πλούσιους πνευματικούς καρπούς. Χιλιάδες Αφρικανοί βαπτίστηκαν ορθόδοξοι, ιδρύθηκαν πολλές ορθόδοξες κοινότητες, πολλοί ιθαγενείς έγιναν κληρικοί. Τα μικρά δεντράκια της Ορθόδοξης πίστης που φύτεψε ο φλογερός, ανιδιοτελής και ακούραστος Ιεραπόστολος μεγάλωσαν, θέριεψαν και εξαπλώθηκαν σε πολλές χώρες της Αφρικανικής Ηπείρου. Τα σημερινά πνευματικά τέκνα του π. Χρυσοστόμου, τον ευγνωμονούν, τον ενθυμούνται, τιμούν με σεβασμό την μνήμη του. Το ιερό καθήκον σεβασμού προς την μνήμη του π. Χρυσοστόμου εκπλήρωσε και ο
Rev. Metropolitan Nikephoros of Kinshasa . On Saturday, December 27, he celebrated his official memorial service at the Church of St. Athanasius of Athonite, in a solemn atmosphere, surrounded by many priests and deacons of the Holy Metropolis, in the presence of all the Orthodox students and many other guests. This was followed by a literary memorial service held in the ceremonial hall of the Orthodox University, during which many students and priests spoke, presenting his holy life and missionary work. Among them, Fr. Gerasimos from Kanaga spoke, who met Fr. Chrysostomos and brought with him a fragment of his holy relic.
A few flowers of respect to his memory were also offered by the former President of the Brotherhood of Orthodox Foreign Mission , Mr. Vaios Prantzos, who was in Kinshasa at that time for missionary reasons. He underlined the spiritual connection of Fr. Chrysostomos with the Brotherhood as its spiritual founder. Metropolitan Nikephoros closed the spiritual event by mentioning the spiritual ties with which his family and he was connected to the late missionary. His eternal memory
From the Holy Metropolis