Orthodoxy renews man
For many years people waited for Christ to come. The one who would bring love and peace, true smiles and justice, equality and tranquility, things so precious to feel the true meaning of life. Yet two thousand years have passed since then and there are still people living in poverty and deprivation. They have not even heard of this message of love and justice. They are still waiting for Him; they still have not known Him, they have not seen Him. This painful land of Africa has been deprived of this great gift of God, has lost the Light, has not seen the Sun of justice. And yet, suddenly, He came and shone. Behold, how they were able to understand this great mystery of the Resurrection:
They build and dedicate temples in the name of the true God – the one who embraces them and accompanies them in their lives, and they feel they are His children; He shows them the way and they walk with Him. This is the mystery of the Gospel. They live and move in the depth and breadth of divine intervention and love. Schools to educate young people to learn literacy and become useful citizens;this is one of the main concerns of the Orthodox Mission of the Patriarchate of Alexandria throughout the African continent. The Orthodox Church in Kenya is still struggling to reduce suffering and disease by providing free medical care to all people. To their anguish and their many deprivations and shortages, the Church comes, once again, to offer her contribution to relieve them of the pain and injustice that overwhelms them. The bell tolls and calls the faithful to the Kingdom of Heaven; they dance and give thanks to God, they play and praise with their simple hearts, without circumstance or reciprocation. The Holy Metropolis of Kenya has been working for many years with various charitable organizations; on a permanent basis they make annual visits, tour with doctors of all specialties and other volunteers and heal any wounds of the people.
Hospitals, clinics, schools, schools, churches are some of the examples of love and the authorities recognise, appreciate and thank them. The satisfaction of the people is evident. Doors and windows are opened… People taste the joys and blessings offered by the presence of Orthodoxy. The love of God entered their homes they felt that they are children of God, chosen, equal creatures, creatures of equal status… It doesn’t matter that they live in huts, it doesn’t matter that they are deprived of many material goods. These visits support the people. Even in the most remote areas, this hope is offered that they are not forgotten. The Church is beside them, she has this great mission of spiritual and social care and concern. The Brotherhood of the Orthodox Foreign Mission has been standing by our side as a companion since 1963. Thus, within a short time the living conditions have improved. Through the movement and action of Orthodoxy, this hope, this smile, is offered. The tradition of Orthodoxy together with local customs forms a wonderful mosaic, rich in content.
People carry on their traditions, their daily habits in a new, now, perspective. It is that of new life. This is the true path of Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy embraces all people, accepting their traditional habits. This, then, is the superpower that can save humanity and save the human quest. It has light to offer, plenty of light, real light, so that it can transform and regenerate the human race.
Today, Orthodoxy is renewing its forces and giving the true dimensions of its mission, its universal and universal message, to embrace all people of every race, every origin and every language.
† The Kenyan Macarius