Love does not seek its own
With the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the blessings of the Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, Mr. Theodoros, and the unswerving care of His Eminence, Mons. Our efforts for the evangelization of our brothers and sisters in Tanzania and their relief from the difficult reality they are experiencing, especially the children, continue. However, it is deeply rooted in us that the children at the Iringa missionary center are drinking milk and vitamins thanks to your love. You, the blessed children of the Church of Christ, by applying in your lives His words and example, are not content to only see to the fulfillment of your own needs, but you open your hearts and hands and embrace these poor children of Iringa and bring them close to you, feeling that they are your own children. Go on, brothers and sisters; continue this beautiful struggle of love to the least of Christ’s brothers and sisters, that on the day of just recompense you may hear the
I was hungry, and ye gave me meat; I was fed, and ye gave me drink; I was naked, and ye circumcised me.
New priorities for our mission in Tanzania
At this point we would like to inform your love of two of our priorities:
- The first one is about a very poor village in Iriga, called Misina. So there we built the church of St. Christodoulos and opened a borehole, so that the inhabitants would have continuous and clean water. To understand the magnitude of their needs, it is enough to inform you that due to the lack of water, it was not even possible to feed animals. There, therefore, after the drilling, for which they thanked His Eminence Demetrios during his recent pastoral visit with warm expressions, they begged him to do everything possible so that as soon as possible they could have a primary school, because the children are forced to walk daily, some fifteen kilometres, in order to learn the basics and not to remain illiterate. However, many children, unable to make this tiring and often dangerous journey due to the weather conditions, are left illiterate. Dear and valuable partners of our effort, at this point, please allow us to inform you that for its construction, it is necessary to raise the sum of 30,000 euros.
- The second thing we would like to inform you is that the ten thousand copies of the New Testament in Swahili, which you kindly sponsored, are finished. This means that ten thousand families have the saving word of our Christ in their homes and can study it and receive the living water, the water changed to eternal life. As you understand, beloved, the goal of us missionaries, but also, we believe, of you, our precious co-workers, is that every family of new believers should have the book of the New Testament in their home free of charge as a precious legacy. We estimate that five thousand euros will make it possible to realize this goal.
Thanking you for your willing assistance in our struggle, we wish that the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, who loved you and gave Himself for us, may give you a hundredfold more than what you offer in the field of the Foreign Mission and, most important of all, that you may inherit eternal life. The First Chancellor
Archim. Photios Hadjientoniou