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Appeal from Kenya: Save the children

Every day we live the great drama of young children. In our societies, certain things are a given. Our child grows up in his or her environment and under all circumstances must be provided with the necessary food, from morning until bedtime. Normal things! It cannot live if it is not given this food. But here, in Africa, things are different. Children wake up in the morning and go to bed hungry at night, no one can guarantee that they will get the food they need. It is a common situation and so they are born and grow up in this climate whether they want to or not. The Holy Metropolis of Kenya, among its various programs, has implemented a special food program for children and beyond:

undertook a crusade to rescue young children, not only for daily food, i.e. breakfast and lunch, but also educational opportunities for the young ones by paying €20 per month . This effort was well received and today the programme has been extended throughout the country. The Greeks – even though they themselves are facing a financial crisis – have made the best efforts and stood by us to save as many souls as possible and to relieve our children, who live in difficult and incomprehensible conditions. There are no conditions suitable for children. That is why with this project, the Holy Metropolis of Kenya has tried to give a message of hope and certainty that they will have the right to live and be educated.


Every year, in addition to the daily meals, extraordinary meals are organised on various occasions. Thus, this year, at Christmas, in addition to the children of the kindergarten and primary school, the children of our slum gathered in the courtyard of the Metropolis for a rich Christmas meal and more. Refreshments were offered and each child received a small Christmas gift and stationery, notebooks, pencils, etc. A mother with two minor children approached the Bishop and confessed to him that the food offered to them on Christmas Day was the only food they were able to eat. Otherwise, on Christmas Day, they would have gone hungry. The efforts and programs of the Holy Metropolis of Kenya will continue under the current difficult economic crises. We must not let children suffer and suffer. We must make every effort to make sure that children do not go to bed hungry. Those who wish to give the minimum can do so through the Brotherhood by marking “Kenya”. In this way we will be able to support, encourage and give hope to these unprotected children, who are living under adverse conditions and waiting for a helping hand, so that they too can continue their beautiful destination on our planet.

The Kenyan Macarius

Sign up to the Save the Children programme and support the children of Kenya with €20 per month.
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