Je suis Chrétien

Really, what does “Christian” mean? What does it mean for someone to be a Christian from the moment of their baptism onwards? And further, what does it cost us to profess “I am a Christian”?

  • A Christian is one who believes in Christ the Savior, the One who has given him redemption from the bondage of death and has given him the opportunity to become a sharer of eternal life.
  • A Christian is one who follows the example of the holy life of the Nazarene.
  • He is the one who wants, aspires and seeks to follow in the footsteps of the apostles to the ends of the earth in any way and at any cost.

The words of St Chrysostom are characteristic:

“Nothing is more wretched than the Christian who is not interested in saving others. Everyone can benefit his neighbor if he wants to fulfill his duties. Do not say, it is impossible for me to motivate others. Because, if you are a Christian, it is impossible not to. It is in the nature of the Christian that the thing lies. It is easier for the sun not to heat than for the Christian not to light. It is not possible for the Christian’s light to go unnoticed.”

The Christian experiences as another Paul that “death is in me, and life in you” (Cor. B 4:12), for the love of the brothers and sisters and of the unbelievers. It is he who, embracing that “we have no profit from being called Christians if our works are not according to our name” (I Chrysostom), offers himself as a sacrifice in the ministry of man, serving in his person God himself. “The Christian,” according to the holy father, “endures afflictions, but does not wish others to suffer.”

Obeying our Brotherhood, as an Orthodox Christian and following Christ’s words of sacrificial love for every human being – regardless of gender, race and “beliefs” – sent on 11/1/2015 two containers with humanitarian aid to the long-suffering people of Sierra Leone and Madagascar. These contained long-lasting food, medical supplies, church supplies, clothing, toys and, above all, warm wishes and prayers. The purpose of the mission was to provide material relief to our aching brothers and sisters in these tortured nations along with spiritual relief as the missionaries of the Orthodox Church lovingly graft the unadulterated truth of the Gospel onto them. In conclusion, it was once again a soul need that our Brotherhood should express its thanks for the financial contribution of brethren from America and Florina, whose hearts are on fire for the work of mission and giving to the nations. May God richly return His grace and blessing.
