Dear brethren, “Christ is born; glorify him”. For the first time this year these words of the hymn were heard in the distant Tonga. Their echoes reach every corner of Oceania.
God enters the lives and history of the Islanders and the joy He spreads in their pure souls is reflected in their innocent faces. Oceania decides to follow the Saviour of the world, our Lord Jesus Christ, at a time when Europe closes its doors to the One to whom it owes everything and opens them to the false prophet of Arabia and the idols of materialism and atheism. The light of the world, Christ, came to earth to enlighten people, but what a pity! They loved darkness more than light. But those who faithfully followed the God-Man Jesus gave them the authority to be children of God. Among them were the Greeks, who were among the first to ask to see Jesus, and He received them, saying the famous words, “The hour has come, that the Son of Man may be glorified” (John 12:23). And it is true that by His grace Hellenism glorified Christ and was glorified by Christ. Alongside the Parthenon He built the Holy Sepulchre and alongside Plato, Aristotle and the other philosophers He raised up the Great Basil, John Chrysostom, St. Photius and the other holy and wise Fathers and Ecumenical Doctors. The Light of Christ was spread by the Missionaries Methodius and Cyril to Europe and other parts of the earth where many other Missionaries carried it and carry it to this day, glorifying the name of Orthodoxy and Hellenism. Christ gave us Greeks the privilege and the high mission to keep the Orthodox faith pure and unadulterated and to transmit it to other nations along with our culture which is something special and is the basis of every healthy civilization.
“Christ is born”, brothers Orthodox Greeks. Away from lies and delusions, idolatries and superstitions.
Christ is the Truth and the True Life and we must follow Him faithfully and always.
I wish that Christ who was born in the manger of Bethlehem will also be born in the heart of each of us and that His grace will never leave our blessed Homeland helpless and unprotected.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a hopeful and happy New Year 2015.
† New Zealand Amphilochius