Support the operation of the Orthodox University of Congo
For 7 years now, the Orthodox University of the Holy Metropolis of Central Africa has been operating in Kinshasa, Congo. The University has already produced over 50 graduates, most of whom go on to help staff the missionary efforts of our Orthodox Church. The establishment of the Orthodox University has been particularly magnificent, because such a project, naturally, requires ongoing operating expenses. For this reason, His Eminence the Metropolitan of Central Africa appeals to your love:

The existence and operation of our School of Theology is a blessing from Almighty God here in the heart of Africa, because it feeds us with young priests, teachers, professors, teachers, catechists, workers of the Gospel. Its contribution is therefore great and its students and teachers help in the missionary work of our diocese. Already this year 15 young people full of enthusiasm for action have graduated. Our joy is great. New fruits. Young workers of the Gospel. Of these so far five have been ordained, and the others have taken up catechetical work. Some of them, after some matters have been settled, will enter the priesthood.
But when I look at the operating costs of the School, I feel anxious. Every month it takes about €9,000. How will we open this year?
I ask St. Athanasius of Athos, patron of our University, to enlighten brothers to send their contributions so that it may continue to prepare native workers of the Gospel for the service of the Orthodox brothers and the spread of Orthodoxy. The needs of our diocese are great. Most of our parishes have no priests. Our faithful on their own without a pastor gather in the grass huts – churches morning and afternoon to chant Vespers and Orthros or the petition of Our Lady. Our few priests do not have time to cover the parishes. So many faithful are left without Divine Liturgy, without Holy Communion. It is the Theological Seminary that gives and trains priests, catechists, cantors and teachers for our schools. Every year with its new graduates it offers to our Church for forty or fifty years workers of the Gospel. That is why our whole concern must be to keep it going and to offer us new cadres. You understand how great a difficulty I am in in meeting the expenses of the Theological Seminary each month. Many times I have considered suspending its operation until we can find a sponsor. But I always stop thinking that the Catholics, Protestants and other denominations and religions will celebrate and accuse us that the Orthodox Church the only Theological School it has in French-speaking Africa could not run it. We will also suspend the operation of a School that gives us teachers of the Gospel who are missionary workers. Many are thinking of giving to build a Church, a school, a dispensary. Their wishes are well-intentioned, but I think we all need to understand that buildings are good, but if we don’t have priests and catechists, teachers educated theologically, how will we have believers? Without them, the buildings will become desolate and will not fulfill their mission. Therefore, I ask everyone to help our Theological School to continue to function. Some with prayer and others from their savings by offering money to cover its operating expenses. So that our parishes can have priests.

The expenses of the University are very high and exceed 100.000 € per year. But it is an investment that is already bearing fruit and can secure the future of Orthodoxy in Central Africa and the whole African continent. Let us stand as supporters of this project. We do not need to do much, only to do what we can. See what you can do with a little money for Orthodox students in Kinshasa:
- For 10 euros you get a day’s worth of stationery
- For €16 you help with the daily running of e-learning
- For 18 euros you donate your daily water
- With 33 euros you ensure their health care for any need that may arise during the day
- For 67 euros you donate the oil of the day, necessary for the operation of the generator
- With 85 euros you help for the weekly missionary effort of the students
- 95 euros pay the wages for all staff
Because with God’s grace and your help, the few mission workers can become more.