First group baptism of South Sudanese children
With the grace of God and the blessing of His Beatitude Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria, Theodore II, on Tuesday 25th of February, the Venerable Monsignor of Alexandria, His Eminence, the Archbishop of Alexandria. Metropolitan Narvis of Nubia, performed the first group baptism of children of South Sudan.
These were children who had been left unchurched for many years because of the civil war. in the Greater South region. Blessing and joy were evident on the faces of the newly baptized children. Emotion and gratitude were painted on the faces of the parents and relatives present who had been waiting for years for this moment. Nine children from infancy to the age of sixteen were baptized. At the end of the Sacrament, His Eminence addressed the children with a word of admonition and spiritual edification. The Baptism was attended by the Consul of South Sudan Mr. Robert Ring Ring and the President of the Wau Community Mr. Aristotle Kikezos where the children come from. Afterwards, a reception was held in the courtyard of the church, prepared by the mothers of the children. All of us without exception experienced an inner joy and peace, but also peace, a sign of God’s presence. We praise God for these great blessings!
From the Holy Metropolis of Nubia.