Letter from Madagascar: with heart and awareness

Dear brothers,

It is with great joy that I am writing to you in order to let you know about the progress of the projects. At the same time though, I regret to inform you about the increase in the number of problems. The Grace of God is accompanying and strengthening us in this difficult period we are going through. It is undoubtedly an ordeal as well as a lesson for all of us.

Firstly, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks not only for your continuous support to our humble ministry, but also for the funding of a number of projects.

Secondly, I would like to inform you that there have been significant cutbacks in the project-funding, and we only maintain those that are absolutely necessary. Some of the projects have been completed, like two houses for priests so as not to pay any more rents, which are covered by the Mission, the repair work of three church buildings which were completely destroyed by the typhoons and the floods and two Holy Churches which are about to be completed. The construction of the Orphanage has stopped after we managed to have it covered with a roof so as to protect it from the torrential rains, which have already started.

Τα παιδιά της μαδαγασκαρινής υπαίθρου υποδέχονται σαν ευλογία την υδροφόρα που τους στείλατε με την αγάπη σας
Children of the Madagascan countryside receive the blessing of the water tank lorry you have sent them

The difficulties are plentiful and so are the needs, which cannot be met. We send our prayers to the benevolent God and to the Most Holy Theotokos for the continuation of the missionary work.
We have already reduced the teaching staff in several schools and have cut down on the expenses where it was possible. Our earnest requests to all the missionary societies as well as individuals for the support of the work of the Church are constant.

Urged on by His Beatitude Pope and Patriarch Theodore of Alexandria and all Africa, we are trying to create a source of revenue within the country itself, by doing some form of gainful work – initially a livestock unit. This also needs some funding, though. This is why we appeal to your kind heart for financial support, according to your capabilities, of course. We would be grateful for that.

This period we are having a lot of christenings taking place in many villages, where the priests in cooperation with the catechists have prepared the catechumens in order to receive the first and fundamental Mystery of our Faith.

Συσσίτια παιδιών στο Ανταναναρίβο
Soup kitchen for children in Antananarivo

A team of doctors from Cyprus with The Most Reverend Chrysostomos Metropolitan of Kition in charge, a person who has repeatedly visited us in the past, offers its services to poor and suffering sick people.

The Mission never stops offering its services on a spiritual as well as philanthropic level. However, there are new needs that arise every day, and the people ministering cannot find time to meet all of them.

Let us pray that God reveals more persons with missionary spirit to work in His vineyard.

With love in Christ
†Ignatius of Madagascar

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