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The water problem in Kenya

So how does the Metropolis of Kenya address such a vital and serious problem as water? There are times when in us, a tropical country like Kenya, it rains constantly but there are also times when, for reasons unknown, there is drought. During the rainy season, nature is lush, people and animals have enough food and plenty of water to live on. But when it’s the drought season, things change. It’s a desperate situation. Then, people and animals suffer and suffer. The degree of their suffering is indescribable. Still, in the rainy season, both the water of lakes and rivers are very dirty and filthy. But having no other choice, they will use it to drink, cook, bathe, etc. Result? Diseases! Especially in children. There is so much danger that the use of this water often causes death, especially in children, who are more susceptible. I usually visit the remote areas to see our Christians and our schools. The sight is terrible and disheartening. The drought is so severe that it is very difficult to see a green leaf in the middle of nature. People, and especially children, are forced to carry on their heads huge quantities of water, in large containers, to drink, to cook. Sometimes they have to travel 5 – 10 kilometres to find such water, which is definitely dirty. Having no other choice – they need it for their survival – they will carry it, because without water, even if it is contaminated, there is no life.


Thus, our Metropolis established the program of providing clean water to avoid deaths and infections. Wells were a first and effective solution. In this way we were able to help people in various areas, especially where young children frequent i.e. kindergartens and primary schools.

I noticed that even young children were forced to travel huge distances, carrying water on their heads for their immediate needs. Such a spectacle was helpful to speed up the opening of the wells, which, even with the primitive means available, are ultimately effective. They do not, of course, use machinery. With their hands! They don’t cost much. But because they do not have even this small amount, they do nothing.

That is why we need your help and your direct support in the water sector. In this way we will save lives and give life to people. From €1,000 to €2,500 – depending on which region we are in – we will be able to help the people who are in such dire need. We in our own area, because we have plenty of water (Greece, Cyprus, Europe and elsewhere), cannot conceive of this tragic situation in which the people of Africa find themselves because of the lack of water. So let us help. As we said above, water gives life to human beings, especially to small and innocent children. It is essential for the continuation of life. Without it there is no life. So we ask to save lives. By the actions of our Church we will reduce death, suffering, pain. Consider that, according to United Nations statistics, in the space of a year, 13 million children may die because they do not have access to clean drinking water but contaminated water. This information is based on a statement by the World Health Organization. It is truly disappointing that Governments in underdeveloped countries are indifferent to providing clean water to protect public health. And we are assured by the same organisation, after field surveys, that out of 53 countries, only 14 are able to provide drinking water and thus reduce deaths and illnesses.

From the Holy Metropolis
