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The vision of the children’s clinic

The missionary visit of Mons. Our Metropolitan Demetrios’ visit to the region of Iriga was a great gift for us. Accompanied by his fellow priests and volunteers, he visited the new Holy Churches, teaching the Indians and generously spreading Love by offering hope, joy, tons of food and clothing. At the same time, the Christ-filled flock grew with about 1,000 Baptisms and 100 Marriages. In addition to the above, the good Lord gave the great gift of His Eminence laying the foundation stone of the Church of St. Mary the Great Martyr Irene in the village of Mkoga Iriga. Finally, the unswerving pastoral care of our Bishop resulted in the ordination of two clergymen and the ordination of thirteen reader-consecrators. Dear readers, please continue to keep open the charitable bowels of your blessed hearts and help us. Help, brethren, so that the sum of 10,000 Euros, which is needed to complete the St. Panteleimon Clinic in Magalali Iriga, may be raised. In a radius of about 20 kilometres, thousands of people are without medical assistance. Privately, do not let children die. The clinic that will be completed with your contribution will save many children’s lives. The children there are children of the same God as us. Therefore, they are our children too.

Archim. Photios Hadjientoniou
Archchancellor of I. M. Irinople
