Dear Brothers in Christ Through this letter I wish first of all to thank you for the many benefits you have shown from time to time to our Holy Diocese, of which I have humbly presided for seven years. The work of the Diocese extends over a large area of Katanga Province with a population of 16,000,000 and we are trying our best to make the word of God heard, that is why for the past 10 years we have established a radio station with a large audience, but a great obstacle to the spreading of the word of our God is the power cut and the antenna we use from the Colosseum telephone exchange. We finally concluded that we need to create an antenna near our radio station, which is powered by a generator when we don’t have the state power. The cost of this will be about 9,000 euros. I ask all of you to help us with the above request, so that our station can operate continuously for the glory of God. I wish you a Happy Lent and abundant blessings to all of you. † Meletios Katagas
The voice of the Orthodox faith
Bishop Meletios of Katanga
His Eminence bishop Meletios of Katanga was born in 1948. In 1974 he was tonsured a monk in the Gregoriou monastery. In 1989, the Athonite monastery sent him as a missionary in Congo (DRC). In 2006 he was ordained the bishop of Kolwezi.
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Bishop Meletios of Katanga
His Eminence bishop Meletios of Katanga was born in 1948. In 1974 he was tonsured a monk in the Gregoriou monastery. In 1989, the Athonite monastery sent him as a missionary in Congo (DRC). In 2006 he was ordained the bishop of Kolwezi.