The charity work of the Philanthropic Society of the Orthodox Church in India is extremely rich. Our Fraternity always tries to support the Society’s tireless efforts. In 2010, we contributed 100,000 euros to the building of a new boys’ orphanage. Both this and an Orthodox girls’ orphanage houses 150 impoverished orphans, found on the streets of Kolkata, West Bengal. The orphanage provides them with accomodation, nutrition, clothing, education, protection from exploitation and, above all, the right to dream of a good future.

Please, do not forget contributing to our orphans in Kolkata. Without your help, the orphanages will close down and 150 children are in danger of going back to the streets. The needs are immediate and pressing. We are confident in your love.

60 χρόνια μετά: Εκδήλωση μνήμης Αγίων Ιεραποστόλων