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Love offering of Metropolitan Savvas to the Diocese of Burundi

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! I open my letter with many thanks and constant emotion for your love. During the 3 years of our Holy Diocese here in Burundi and Rwanda, you have not forgotten to stand by us. With the constant support of your Fraternity, we have accomplished many missionary works, which I am pleased to present to you:

Saint Demetrios Kinama, BR

From your Brotherhood I received the amount of 70.000 €. The Church of 540 square meters has cost 130.000 € and 90% of its construction is completed. The floor, the doors and the painting remain to be done. Everything is progressing slowly, but soon the project will be completed.

Holy Trinity Kigali, RW

The Brotherhood offered the amount of 55.000 € for the purchase of the land and the building of the church. The budget foresees the completion with 90.000 €. 60% of the work is completed and the roof, floor, doors, plastering, painting etc. remain to be done.

Water supply

With the amount of 31,500 €, which you have allocated to us, we have proceeded with the drilling of new wells and the repair and reopening of aqueducts and boreholes that were destroyed during the civil war.


With the donation of an anonymous donor – a regular member of your Brotherhood, the construction of this important health care project, which upgrades the presence of the Orthodox Church in Burundi, is almost complete. Only the electricity and water connections remain. We are ready to submit the relevant documents to the Ministry of Health for the license to operate.


Baptisms in Burundi
The Brotherhood lovingly covers the expenses of many baptisms, due to the fact that our indigenous brothers and sisters are constantly coming to the Church of Christ.

Faldameia Technical School

The Electronic School was equipped with money from Mrs. Phaldeami through your Brotherhood and is now ready. We are waiting for the operating license from the state so that we can start accepting students.

With your help, the Orthodox Church has emerged as one of the main forces assisting in rural development and providing aid and drinking water.

Dear all of you, having had experience in the Mission, you know that there are always extraordinary expenses outside the budget in all the projects, which results in a slight delay in their completion. A direct example is the shortage of fuel and electricity for the past month in the country, which is a major cause of delay in the work and financial burden. I thank you most warmly for your moral and material support for the missionary work of our Diocese. We feel you are ours; you are our own people, our supporters in our work. With your help we have established two new Mission Centers, rebuilt two Churches, completed a Clinic and a School, opened or repaired wells, and baptized about 3,000 Africans in just two and a half years. Altogether for the building and spiritual work from the Brotherhood we received the sum of 275,500 Euros, all of which we allocated for the purposes for which it was given, respecting you who were deprived of it for the advancement of the Mission. With the love of Christ,

The Burundi and Rwandan Savvas
