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Kenya: 30 years of missionary ministry

Dear brothers, Rejoice and be glad in the Lord! It is with great joy and emotion that I am communicating with you from the Missionary Metropolis of Kenya, located in the eastern part of the African continent. With God’s help, I have completed 30 years in Africa, 20 years as a humble minister of the sacraments of the Lord’s grace, although I first trod the soil of the African land in January 1977. Stations that marked most of my life on earth with great emotions.

Holy Temples

Just like every year, the inauguration of new churches continued this year. His Eminence, since the day he was ordained Bishop, has consecrated over a hundred holy churches throughout Kenya. Twenty more are now ready to be consecrated.

Orthodox school

Spiritual and social education

With God’s help, last week we had the great blessing to declare the beginning of our new academic year at the Orthodox Patriarchal School “Archbishop Makarios III”, which has been operating since 1982. Thirty years of humble service and intense presence of our Lord Jesus Christ among us. During the Divine Liturgy the choir of the Patriarchal School sang melodiously in Greek, English, Swahili and other local dialects. This year, there are 50 seminarians attending the Patriarchal School, coming from Kenya and other African countries: Madagascar, Zambia, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe. Kenyan missionaries are divided into the following tribes: Kikuyu, Nadi, Luo, Luo, Luya, Masai, Turkana, Kaba. Among the activities of the School is the important programme of translating our liturgical books, services and sacraments into the local dialects, not only of Kenya but also of other countries of the African continent. Thus, so far, over 250 different books have been published in more than thirty dialects.

In the same area, where the Patriarchal School is housed, there are the Technical School with 700 students, the Orthodox College of Africa with 400 students, the School of Sewing and Computer Science, the School of Social Studies and the Kindergarten & St. Clement’s Primary School, with 450 poor children in the Riroutas area, who study for free and receive free breakfast and lunch, stationery, uniforms and medical care on a daily basis.

Our primary school was judged the best and most complete among thirty other primary schools in the region. All the teachers are graduates of our Orthodox School of Education. The top six students, who graduated last year, are now in the first grade of one of the 15 high schools in the Diocese of Kenya.

In addition, there are 30 kindergartens and primary schools and 15 secondary schools. Most primary schools provide free breakfast and lunch on a daily basis.

It is worth noting that in the program of our schools, the daily Mass and Vespers are celebrated, while every Friday the Divine Liturgy is celebrated. Especially in the Patriarchal School, the Divine Liturgy, Vespers and in the evening after dinner the evening meal are celebrated daily. Thus, children and young people are transformed and spiritually reborn.

Outdoor catechesis
Outdoor catechesis

Giving a helping hand to the weak

Also important is the contribution of the Church of Kenya in the field of orphans. Thus, today there are 3 orphanages in different regions, where free accommodation, food, education, etc. are offered.Here too, the program includes the Orthodox Christian faith, since our priests are actively involved in the daily life of the children with the services and teaching. The involvement of the local Church in the health sector is strong. For this purpose, medical centres are operating in most parishes, especially in remote areas, where medical care is provided by the frequent visits of volunteer doctors, who come from Greece, Cyprus, America, the Netherlands, Holland or even from distant Australia. Often for serious cases, where surgical operations are needed, the Metropolis bears the costs entirely on credit and in special agreement with the Nairobi Coptic Hospital. His Eminence often tours and distributes clothing, shoes, stationery, books and food items to the needy, irrespective of race or religion. There are still areas affected by the internal civil war that are constantly asking for support and assistance. In this case, beds and blankets are distributed. The Metropolis, in cooperation with local and international organizations, is leading the way in the fight against the scourge of AIDS. Special seminars are organized, enlightening for young people with speakers who are experts on the subject. A significant part of the population, especially schools in remote areas, are deprived of clean drinking water and electricity. Thus, the Metropolis is actively working in both these two areas, undertaking the drilling of wells in the arid areas for pumping water for the residents and school children. Among the various programmes, we mention the training of catechists, which has been running for 25 years. Every Saturday, young men and women from the parishes of Jaerobi and the surrounding areas gather, where they are taught for two years catechetical courses for teachers by the teachers of the Patriarchal School. The same programme is running in other parts of Kenya.

Reception of His Eminence Makarios
Reception of His Eminence Makarios

There are also organized groups of young men and women, mothers and fathers who organize regular meetings with educational courses, seminars of Orthodox spirituality, musical events, festivals of songs and traditional dances and sports. These are the most important events taking place in the Metropolis and they ask for your prayers and good thoughts.

From the Holy Metropolis
