September 2012 issue (#218)
Issue 218 of the magazine “Foreign Mission”
Issue 218 of the magazine “Foreign Mission”
We mainly need food, medical equipment (but not pharmaceuticals), school supplies, church supplies.
The calm waters of the Oubangui have again received the blessing of the Holy Spirit that often makes the rivers of Africa look like the Jordan. The Ecuadorian sun gives its glow to the river, increasing the heat, permanent in the Impfondo. Seated at the roots (literally) of a huge tree, some thirty or so…
This path of mission must be walked on the basis of two fundamental laws – that of love for God and one’s fellow man and that of love for suffering. The second flows from the first, which in turn is the first precept of the spiritual law of the Gospel. During one of the services…
The hope of Orthodoxy in Malawi lies not in the goodwill of donors but in our methodical help to the country to raise up true Orthodox persons. With the blessings of our Archbishop Joachim and the prayers of the friends of our missionary team in Malawi, our Orthodox Church continues its work for the evangelization…
However, it is necessary to operate an ophthalmological unit for the treatment of ophthalmological diseases since there are many cases in contrast to the medical state care provided. Dear Sir, President and members of the Orthodox Foreign Missionary Brotherhood, hail in the Lord. It is a fact that it is not easy at all here,…
Dear and blessed brothers and sisters in Christ and partners of the vineyard of the Orthodox Foreign Mission in Tanzania, Africa. With the blessings of our Metropolitan Demetrios and your assistance, we continue the difficult and responsible struggle of evangelization of our fellow human beings living here. However, we do not fail, according to the…
It is true that the missionary work of our Church here in Africa is a spectacular work. However, this God-given work is facing many difficulties, now that the whole world is in economic crisis. More typically, our Greece, which has always stood by this work, is going through difficult times. The agony and the struggle…
After many years of missionary stagnation, the mission in Arusha was revived, with the preparation and baptism of seven young people. It is worth noting that the mission in the African continent was started at the beginning of the last century in the above mentioned region by the late Archimandrite Nicodemus Sarika. Praise be to…
Watch the video above for a presentation on the situation in which thousands of young children from the lower social class live homeless on the streets of Kolkata. 150 of them have been blessed to be embraced by the orphanages of the Orthodox Church and thus saved from hunger, disease, ignorance, exploitation and prostitution. Help…