Mission offers education and opportunities
By the grace of God, the blessings of Mac. Patriarch and your care and concern, the Institute of New Technologies and Development of our Diocese opens its doors to our African brothers and sisters under the name “Panagiota Faldami”, donated by Mrs. Panagiota Faldami from Athens in memory of her husband Stylianos. The Institute is addressed to high school graduates and is a three-year course, i.e. two years of theory and practice and one year of practical training. Graduates obtain an official diploma recognized by the State of Burundi and will be able to work as computer operators or technicians depending on the field they choose. The Institute has the capacity to teach forty students per year, making a total of one hundred and twenty students. The Institute is considered important because it is the first of its kind in the country and will provide immediate employment for forty people each year, thus contributing to the fight against unemployment and hunger by enabling children who are willing and eager to study in Burundi. Until recently, anyone who wanted to study the subject had to have money to spend three years in Goma or Kenya, which was impossible for the poor people of Burundi, which is in the early post-war period. With your help, the Orthodox Mission is launching another important and innovative project in the country of Burundi. We may have been late because of procedures and formalities, but we have succeeded. We are most grateful to Mrs Panagiota Faldami for her donation and to you for your continued support. With the love of Christ,
Burundi and Rwanda Savas