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Blessings and agonies from Burundi

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, friends, workers and collaborators of the Orthodox Mission in Africa, with the grace of God, the blessings of His Holiness the Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, Theodore II, and your moral and material support, the missionary work is progressing in the troubled country of Burundi. On Saturday 22 October another hundred of our African brothers and sisters joined the Orthodox family, some of them irreligious and others from other religions. The baptisms were celebrated in the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Bujumbura after the Divine Liturgy which was attended by all, after the completion of the sacrament all shared in the Blessed Sacrament being born together in Christ.

Our congregation is growing daily and with it the need for the creation of parishes, Orthodox schools and Sunday schools is increasing.

In Burundi, two Temples are currently operating, and two more will soon consecrate this African land. Nevertheless, our needs are great, since every day we treat hundreds of people, mainly children, who need our care and our support so that they do not have to wait to eat garbage, grow up in the streets and mud and die of simple diseases. By the grace of God and with the love of a fellow human being, who wishes to remain anonymous, the land was purchased in Rwanda on which the first Orthodox Missionary Centre will be built, so that the evangelisation of the country and the offer of Christ’s love can also begin there. Although Greece is going through difficult times, it is nevertheless supporting the work of spreading the Gospel as much as possible, for which we thank you from the bottom of our hearts and ask for your prayers.

With the love of Christ,
Burundi and Rwanda Savas
