Nalina: tear of life, blossoming of soul
How can one not be moved and hurt when one sees a young girl with three children and no husband suppressing her dignity and coming to ask for help! When the little money from her job is not enough to pay the rent of the house, electricity and water and to buy the necessities for her children and herself!
It’s about Nalina. A nice young Indian woman who in her difficulties did not look for other ways but thought of the Church, although she is not Orthodox or even Christian. And she is not the only one. Many young girls here in Fiji are mothers without a husband. The state helps to a certain extent but where to start? It’s poor too.
This is the story and the problem today on our planet. People being divided into rich and poor. The fed and the hungry, the educated and the uneducated. The former forget the latter because they have forgotten God first. Their love for both God and their fellow man has grown cold. Injustice through wars sweeps everything away.
Poor Nalina! If only there was a way to speak from somewhere and have the whole world hear you. To shout out:
“Shame on you. You have lost all sense of humanity. You have completely despised our Creator and Creator and in his place you have put your idols. But, thank God, that not everything depends on you. There are people beyond you with feelings and faith in God. There is the true Church of Christ, the Orthodox Church, which I have come to know in these days, as a loving mother, and I will become a faithful member of it and I and my children, so that it may teach us what it means to be a true man and what it means to live a true life, a Christian life, with respect and love for man. A life with a steady path to heaven, as I have heard it taught by the Son of God, Jesus Christ, in his Holy Gospel”.
Dear Nalina, praise and thank the true God for leading you to the true Orthodox Church. You have a beautiful soul that with the holy baptism and the Holy Spirit you will receive will become angelic therefore it is worthy at that hour of your holy baptism to receive the Christian and symbolic name Angelina.
† The New Zealand Amphilochius